Our team of economists, accountants and finance experts draw on a core set of skills. We perform a wide range of economic and financial analysis to provide expert advice to our clients. Applying the theory and principles of micro-economics and finance, we analyse problems in a highly logical, structured and practical way, combining academic rigour with commercial judgement.
We have offices in cities across the world, with more than 250 staff worldwide. In London, our EFC practice has more than 140 people and each year we look to recruit at least 15 graduates. We operate in two main areas, Valuation, Disputes and Arbitration and Economic Regulation.
Valuation, Disputes and Arbitration
We have significant expertise in the valuation of businesses, intellectual property, financial products and other assets. We regularly provide expert evidence on valuation issues and the quantification of economic losses before courts and tribunals worldwide in a wide range of disputes.
We also provide valuation services for commercial, reporting and regulatory purposes, for example, in the context of licensing, investment appraisal, fiscal valuation and transfer pricing.
Economic Regulation
Our team of economists, econometricians and regulatory accountants have extensive experience across all the regulated sectors, including energy, telecommunications, transport, water and healthcare. The team has been responsible for the delivery of regulatory solutions in these sectors across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
We apply economic theory in a highly practical way to offer economic advice to both regulators and regulated companies on a wide range of issues, including:
- prices regulated firms are allowed to charge;
- regulatory framework and tariff design;
- cost efficiency analysis and benchmarking; and
- regulatory cost accounting.